On Thursday the 22nd of February, 15.00 – 16.30 am CET (GMT +1) the webinar “Productive Uses of Energy and Gender in the Informal Food Sector in Rwanda, Senegal and South Africa” will take place. This webinar is based on a research project that is currently conducted by a research consortium led by the University of Twente in collaboration with the university of Cape Town’s Energy Research Centre (South Africa), MARGE (Rwanda) and ENDA Energie (Senegal) as partners. The project is supported by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and is part of the ENERGIA Gender and Energy Research Programme.
This webinar is organised with support from The Integrated Assessment Society (TIAS).
Please see the full invitation here for more information about the webinar and registration. Feel free to distribute this invitation among your contacts.
We look forward to your participation!
Space is limited. Therefore, registration is requested by Tuesday 20 February 2018, midnight. Registrations can be made on: http://www.tias-web.info/webinar-registration/
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