
Training Manual – Gender, productive uses of electricity and business development skills

The Ministry of Land, Mines and Energy (MLME) of Liberia, in collaboration with the Norwegian Water Resources Directory (NVE) and the International Gender and Energy Network (ENERGIA) has developed this manual to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women in electrification programmes, and to facilitate the training of women so that they can participate more effectively in electrification policy, planning and implementation. This Training of Trainers manual is designed to prepare staff of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC), the management team of the Ganta Solar Centre, and local women and women’s groups for effective participation in electricity sector activities and businesses.

The main objective of the manual is to provide a tool that can be used to train trainers who can then organise replica workshops to benefit others in the various counties in Liberia. It seeks to equip participants in the courses with the requisite knowledge and skills to enable them to participate confidently and effectively in electricity decision-making and implementation at all levels.

The ultimate goal is to increase the number of women knowledgeable and skilled in the productive uses of electricity, entrepreneurship and gender issues in Liberia, and to ensure their effectiveness in training others to participate in business ventures and other leadership roles in the electricity sector. The manual advocates participatory training methods and adopts adult learning techniques. The sessions consist of a mix of presentations, role-playing, group discussions, case studies and experience sharing.