
Photo credit: Sven Torfinn; Context: Homa Bay County, Kenya.

Country-specific research on gender and energy for policymakers and practitioners


Gender and energy country briefs

Project status


Core countries

Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda

Project vision

Compiling country research and supporting data to provide policymakers and practitioners with recommendations for initiatives that empower women and support gender mainstreaming activities at the country and regional level.

Our recommendations also intended to further strengthen the policy environment and institutional structural capacity, to increase recognition of the importance of gender among energy stakeholders, to improve access to key energy services for women, and to ensure policy transitions into practice.

Activities and impacts

Develop four country briefs using quantitative and qualitative data collected through the African Development Bank’s statistical and other databases, consultations with stakeholders and analysis of the gender responsiveness of existing energy policies.

The briefs will be used to effectively integrate gender in energy planning, implementation and monitoring with the ultimate goal of reducing gender inequity in energy access and increasing the gender benefits of energy interventions.



Who we worked with

African Development Bank – AfDB


AfDB, Climate Investment Funds