
Photo credit: ENERGIA; Context: Indira Shakya speaking at a GESI workshop in Nepal.

Mainstreaming gender equality in Nepal’s electric utility


Strengthening the Capacity of the Energy Sector for Gender Equality and Social Inclusion

Project status


Core countries


Project vision

To strengthen the capacity of the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) and the National Association of Community Electricity Users Nepal (NACEUN) to mainstream Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) into their program and project cycles. Additionally, to promote the access to and productive use of clean energy technologies and services by women and marginalized groups.


  • Develop GESI strategy and guidelines for the NEA to mainstream GESI in its energy programs and projects.
  • Train and develop the knowledge and skills of staff at NEA and its Environment and Social Studies Department (ESSD) in mainstreaming GESI in their operations and applying GESI guidelines.
  • Develop social safeguards, procedures and manuals applicable to energy projects under the NEA and train staff on how to apply them – for example relating to resettlement and indigenous people’s rights.
  • Promote GESI in the access to and productive use of clean energy technologies and services by women, the poor and marginalized households of Electricity User Cooperatives (EUCs).
  • Train and develop the capacity of NEA staff in new energy technology applications.


  • 295 NEA/ESSD officials and staff members were trained through the program.
  • 300 members from (minimum of 40% women and 40% from marginalized groups) were oriented on GESI responsive approaches and energy efficiency.
  • A GESI Strategy, Operational Guidelines and Manual for the NEA were developed and a project performance monitoring system established.
  • 500 women members of Electricity User Cooperatives from poor and marginalized groups were trained on business development skills and energy-based livelihoods and related technical skills.
  • The women also received post-training support on energy efficiency and in creating linkages to finance opportunities and markets for their enterprises.
  • 100 NEA staff and 20 NEA managers were trained in new and emerging energy technologies.


January 2019 – December 2021

Who we worked with
