Network partners – oud


Click on the red countries for partner-details (click twice to make country info disappear).

Gender and Energy Network of Botswana (GENBO)
Botswana Technology Centre (BOTEC)
Private Bag 0082, Gaborone, Botswana
Tel: +267.3914161
Fax: +267.3974677

Gender and Energy Network in Ghana
GRATIS Foundation
P.O. Box 151, Thema, Ghana
Tel: +233.22.202693
Fax: +233.22.306023/6961

ENERGIA – Kenya Network
Practical Action East Africa
Methodist Ministries Centre (Office Block C), Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254.20.2595311-15
Fax: +254.20.2595316

Gender and Energy Network of Lesotho (GENOL)
Khalema Redeby Consultancy Services
P.O. Box 10675, Maseru 100, Lesotho
Tel: +266.22.324127
Fax: +266.22.311367

Malian ENERGIA Network
Tel: +223.200 617
Fax: +223.220 0618

Nigeria Energia Network (NEN)
Friends of the Environment
P.O. Box 10627, Lagos, Nigeria
Tel: +234.1.2647435
Fax: +234.1.2647436
Senegal Gender and Energy Network (SGEN)
ENDA-Tiers Monde
B.P. 3370, Dakar, Senegal
Tel: +221.33.822 5983/889 3428
Fax:+221.33.821 7595

Gender and Energy Network of South Africa (GENSA)
Safe Energy Depot
Unit 9 Teba Building, 121 Eloff Street Extension,
Selby 2092, South Africa

Gender and Energy Network of Swaziland (GENS)
Renewable Energy Association of Swaziland (REASWA)
P.O. Box 6379, Mbabane H100, Swaziland
Tel/Fax: +268.404 9040

Tanzania National Gender and Sustainable Energy Network (NGSEN)
Tanzania Traditional Energy Development and Environment Organisation (TaTEDO)
P.O. Box 32794, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel: +255.22.2700438
Fax: +255.22.277 4400

Uganda Gender and Energy Network (GEN)
East Africa Energy Technology Development Network Uganda (EAETDN)
P.O. Box 5593, Kampala, Uganda
Tel: +256.41.531520

Zambia Gender and Energy Network (ZGEN)
Ministry of Energy and Water Development
Department of Energy
Box 51254, Lusaka, Zambia
Tel: +260.1254491

Gender and Energy Network of Zimbabwe (GENEZ)
Practical Action Southern Africa
No.4 Ludlow Road, Newlands, Harare, Zimbabwe
Tel: +263.4.776631/3
Fax: +263.4.788157
