a-project: Research Project 3: Gender factor in political economy of energy sector dynamics

  • Partners

    Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) with Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) – Bangladesh Integrated Research and Action for Development (IRADe) – India Spaces for Change – Nigeria The SMERU Research Institute – Indonesia Universitas Gadjah Mada – Indonesia   For more information contact Laura Merrill at IISD lmerrill@iisd.org

  • ENERGIA News – May 2016, Building the evidence base for improving energy interventions’ effectiveness

    This issue of ENERGIA News gives an introduction to the Gender and Energy Research Programme. The programme runs from February 2014 to February 2019 with financial support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID). The objective is to generate  and analyse empirical evidence on the links between gender, energy and poverty, and to translate…

  • Centre for Rural Technology Nepal

                  Women’s Economic Empowerment programme The promotion of the improved cookstoves is done through women stove masters in rural and remote locations. CRT/N is striving to develop a market system for ICS by encouraging women stove masters to become local stove entrepreneurs (retailers) and promoting private distributors at the districts and bigger…