Women’s Economic Empowerment programme
The promotion of the improved cookstoves is done through women stove masters in rural and remote locations. CRT/N is striving to develop a market system for ICS by encouraging women stove masters to become local stove entrepreneurs (retailers) and promoting private distributors at the districts and bigger suppliers in the cities in the ICS market chain. Barriers to growth of women-led enterprises are addressed through: • training and ongoing mentoring on business and technical skills • credit facilitation through linkages with local financial institutions • market development.
The project is implemented within the framework of the national government’s National Rural and Renewable Energy Programme (NRREP), under the policy guidance of Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC), the government apex body looking after renewable energy. To do this, CRT/N works together with district level government bodies and local implementing partners called D
istrict Service Centres. CRT/N also encourages local Community Rural Electrification Entities (CREEs) to consider improved cookstoves (ICS) promotion in their strategic plan.
Country: Nepal Target: 800 entrepreneurs, 250,000 consumers Technologies: improved cookstoves, productive use of energy
Read more: CRT/N WE-Project sheet, CRT/N WE-Context and Project Summary
Gender and Energy Advocacy programme
In Nepal, the advocacy programme will implement advocacy and communication strategies to include gender and social inclusion within the SE4All initiative. The expected outcome is an increased understanding of gender, energy and social inclusion (GESI) amongst SE4All stakeholders at the national and sub national level, leading to effective integration of GESI in the energy policies and programs.
Read more: CRT/N Advocacy-Project sheet, CRT/N Advocacy-Context and Project Summary
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