About us

A holistic approach

At ENERGIA, we take a holistic approach to drive change in the energy sector.

Our strategy combines:

Training, mentoring and creating an enabling market environment to increase women’s agency and entrepreneurship within energy value chains.

Awareness creation and thought leadership to promote understanding of energy equality issues and innovative approaches to energy access.

Lobbying and advocacy to mainstream gender perspectives and ensure women’s distinct needs are included in energy projects, programs and policies.

Building collaborative partnerships and developing networks across sectors to share knowledge and amplify our efforts towards a more sustainable, equal and inclusive energy future.

ENERGIA’s Strategic Plan (2022 – 2026)

Our strategic plan (also known as ‘Phase 7’ of our main funding program, ‘Women Driving the Energy Transition and Climate Justice’) aims to ensure that women have an equal opportunity to lead, participate in and benefit from clean energy access and a just and inclusive energy transition as an essential right to development.

The strategy reflects our focus on gender-transformative approaches, climate justice and human rights. It details our aims to make a unique and significant contribution to achieving universal energy access and climate justice in a manner that is fair, inclusive and gender transformative.

We aim to achieve this by placing women, who are most affected and vulnerable to the impacts of energy poverty and climate change, at the very center of sustainable energy and climate solutions. View or download our strategic plan here.


Our Theory of Change

Our Theory of Change demonstrates the results we aim to achieve, as well as the interventions and their outcomes that will lead to these. It outlines the key assumptions, processes and approaches we use to adapt our programming and make it as effective and impactful as possible. We measure and track progress towards our objectives and provide updates to the relevant partners and funders.

We work with the following core groups to achieve our objectives:

View our projects and our key impacts to learn more.

Our values and guiding principles

The ENERGIA network embodies the core values of empowerment, equality and human rights; inclusivity and flexibility; and building strong partnerships and networks based on mutual learning, creativity and innovation.

Our partners

The ENERGIA network consists of core partners, united in our shared belief that women must be empowered as change agents in the energy sector. Working as a network enables us to combine our expertise, resources and insights to amplify our impacts.

Our governance

ENERGIA operates as a program within Hivos, an international non-governmental organization based in the Netherlands. Hivos provides the legal framework within which ENERGIA’s work is funded and implemented.