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ENERGIA’s impacts

women entrepreneurs engaged

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jobs created

people with access to energy

years of advocacy and action

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national action plans and policies

partnerships for gender equality

Our advocacy achievements

For more than 25 years, ENERGIA has been advocating for gender equality in the energy sector to ensure universal energy access for all, to include a gender perspective in energy policies and programs, and to ensure the inclusion of women in high-level decision making processes. 

ENERGIA and its partners have helped to drive significant progress through our advocacy work, including:

  • Supporting the development of Kenya’s gender policy for energy, a one-of-it’s kind policy aiming to raise the level of gender awareness, change attitudes and inculcate an engendered work culture among staff in the energy sector.
  • Helping to shape the draft indicator frameworks for UN SDGs 3, 5 and 7 on health, gender equality and energy access.
  • Co-chairing the SDG 7 Technical Advisory Group.
  • Co-leading the Gender and Energy Compact, a global, multi-stakeholder coalition that catalyzes action towards gender equality and women’s empowerment to accelerate a just, inclusive and sustainable energy transition.

To find out more about ENERGIA’s advocacy actions and wins over the years, click on the image below.