Author: Tjarda Muller

  • #WESHINE: Sharing the story of light, hope and opportunity

    #WESHINE: Sharing the story of light, hope and opportunity

    Solar Sister is excited to share the story of light, hope, and opportunity in Tanzania. Women + Energy: WESHINE is a campaign to raise awareness about the benefits of energy access and economic opportunity for women. 6 video portraits of 6 women entrepreneurs who are bringing clean energy to their communities… and the unexpected ways light transforms…

  • Opportunity: Senior consultants for Worldbank Group

    Opportunity: Senior consultants for Worldbank Group

      Senior Organizational/Institutional Development Consultants for Supporting Implementation of EVN’s Gender Action Plan  WB EAP Gender and Energy Facility support to Vietnam Electricity EVN (P151262) Click for the full Terms of Reference

  • CRECER project has big impact for Mariela in Ecuador

    CRECER project has big impact for Mariela in Ecuador

    This interview was originally posted on Green Empowerment in Blog, Capacity Building, Clean Cooking, Ecuador, News From The Field Mariela Carriel and her family were beneficiaries of the Growing Esmeraldas with Renewable Energy project (known as Creciendo Esmeraldas con Energía Renovable, or “CRECER”) in Ecuador. The CRECER project was created to improve the lives and…

  • Leave no one behind

    Leave no one behind

    (September 22, 2016 – NEW YORK) The UN High-Level Panel on Women’s Economic Empowerment presented its first report, “Leave No One Behind: A Call to Action for Gender Equality and Women’s Economic Empowerment,” to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at an advocacy briefing during the 71st session of the UN General Assembly on Thursday. The purpose…

  • SE4ALL’s new strategic framework: Going further, faster – together

    SE4ALL’s new strategic framework: Going further, faster – together

    Sustainable Energy for All is shifting gear with a new five-year strategy that will drive action to deliver universal access to affordable, clean energy, following the landmark promises made last year by the global community. The Strategic Framework for Results 2016-21, titled Going Further, Faster — Together, marks a turning point, building on our strong…

  • SE4ALL Forum 2017: Going further, faster – together

    SE4ALL Forum 2017: Going further, faster – together

    The Sustainable Energy for All Forum is the landmark, biennial gathering celebrating the tremendous work organisations and individuals all around the world are doing to bring affordable, clean energy to all and power a revolution in energy productivity. On 3-5 April 2016 in New York City, SE4All will create a marketplace for more than 1,000…

  • Dr. Youba Sokona appointed to advisory committee IPSP

    Dr. Youba Sokona appointed to advisory committee IPSP

    ENERGIA congratulates Youba Sokona on his appointment to the Honorary Advisory Committee of the prestigious International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP). The Honorary Advisory Committee is composed of 17 distinguished moral and intellectual leaders, who lend their support to the IPSP. Dr. Sokona is Special Advisor on Sustainable Development at The South Centre and member of the…

  • Making subsidy reform work for women in Nigeria

    Making subsidy reform work for women in Nigeria

    An IISD Briefing note Key messages: Subsidy reform will likely reduce household expenditure on women’s needs and reduce women’s access to modern energy sources, affecting their economic opportunities and respiratory health. Reform can have positive effects if it leads to improved energy supply systems (increasing energy access), but this is likely to take place over the…

  • Partnerships to scale up energy delivery

    Partnerships to scale up energy delivery

    ENERGIA’s Women’s Economic Empowerment Programme works with partners in seven countries to strengthen and empower micro and small scale women entrepreneurs who deliver clean and renewable technologies. An early lesson has been that if the delivery of technologies really is to be scaled up, partnerships and agreements with other parties such as community groups, government institutions,…

  • Lecture: In the light of what we know: Gender and energy transformations.

    Lecture: In the light of what we know: Gender and energy transformations.

    Inaugural lecture of Dr. Joy Clancy for her appointment as full Professor at the University of Twente, Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM). Prof. Clancy is specialized in Gender and Energy. Her research has focused, for more than 30 years, on small scale energy systems for developing countries, including the technology transfer process and…

  • Symposium – Engendering the energy transition: Theory meets policy and practice, South meets North

    Symposium – Engendering the energy transition: Theory meets policy and practice, South meets North

    The University of Twente’s Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability (CSTM) in partnership with European Association of Development and Training Institutes (EADI), Africa Studies Centre (Leiden University) and ENERGIA invites academics, researchers and practitioners to participate in the symposium: Engendering the Energy Transition.  The symposium seeks to create a multi-discipline platform where a number…

  • Energy Access through women-led businesses