Author: Tjarda Muller
Women’s Economic Empowerment: The results so far
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Gender and Energy Research Programme – DFID perspectives
Full article By Alistair Wray Modern energy services are crucial for poor people, especially women and girls, in improving wellbeing, accessing social services and promoting productive employment. Girls and women’s opportunities are often the most constrained by a lack of light and power – with direct implications for movement at night, personal safety, education and…
Selling clean energy technologies pays off!
Kopernik’s Wonder Women initiative grew out of a pilot programme in West Indonesia with 50 female entrepreneurs. Their model is now being scaled tenfold thanks to a grant from ENERGIA. Over the next two years, 488 potential entrepreneurs will receive technical, leadership and business training to help them become renewable energy entrepreneurs. Once their business is…
It’s like Amway, except with solar-powered lights and ovens in the African bush
Stuart Butler from SIERRA, the national magazine of the Sierra Club, interviewed Fatma Muzo, Solar Sister’s Tanzania Country Manager. “I’m from Dar es Salaam, on the coast of Tanzania, but I moved to Arusha for university and work. Both my parents were educated and worked for the government, which meant they also encouraged my education.…
From basket weavers to salt farmers: the women leading a renewables revolution
The Guardian has published an article on women entrepreneurship in the energy sector, featuring ENERGIA partners Solar Sister: “From female basket weavers in Tanzania to the women farming salt in Gujarat, social enterprises are helping women become clean energy entrepreneurs” Continua reading the article at The Guardian International Hilaria Paschal is one of the…
Webinar 18 July: Addressing Energy Governance: Questions of Scale and Scope
Addressing Energy Governance: Questions of Scale and Scope Mon, Jul 18, 2016 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM CEST This webinar brings together researchers working on energy governance issues from a range of projects funded under two different DFID initiatives. These initiatives are the EPSRC/DFID/DECC funded Understanding Sustainable Energy Solutions (USES) programme whose 13 projects are…
Introduction to Solar Sister
How women can contribute to reaching SE4All’s objectives
On January 1, 2016, Ms Rachel Kyte took office as CEO of SE4All and is also Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All. Prior to this position, she served as World Bank Group Vice President and Special Envoy for Climate Change. Recipient of numerous awards for women’s leadership, climate action and…
How women could benefit from fuel subsidy reform
Subsidies often don’t help women much at all and reforms provide an opportunity to better target support By Shruti Sharma, Laura Merrill, Christopher Beaton and Lucy Kitson This blog was originally published on Climate Home, June 15, 2016 Consumer subsidies on fossil fuels around the world totalled about USD 500 billion in 2014. Although such policies…
ICRW assesses Solar Sister’s women-entrepreneur model
This blog was originally posted by ENERGIA partner Solar Sister. Solar Sister was founded on the premise that investing in women is not only the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do. The recent assessment by International Center for Research on Women on Solar Sister’s unique women-entrepreneur model highlights the ways in which gender equality, economic empowerment + clean…
The energy diaries: How the rural poor buy, use and think about energy
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Why women are critical to clean energy
Women around the world bring much more to the table when it comes to clean energy than their roles as homemakers. writes Joan MacNaughton, Executive Chair of the World Energy Trilemma, World Energy Council. While climate change has been recognized as an urgent, global issue, the relevance of increasing the visibility of women in clean energy as…