Skip to: Senegalese Women Makes Inroads In Energy Markets

Energia website

  • An increasing number of businesswomen are joining their male counterparts in developing new energy markets in rural Senegal and providing much needed energy products and services to remote communities. In a bid to support women’s entrepreneurial spirit and encourage their economic empowerment, GVEP and SEM Fund are working with women in Tambacounda and Kédougou to […]

  • On Thursday March 12, ENERGIA, together with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves and the International Center for Research on Women, hosted High Level event: “Energy Access as a Key Driver of Gender Equality “. The event celebrated International Women’s Day and commemorated Beijing +20. The objective of this event was to raise awareness among […]

  • Because of women’s central responsibility for cooking and managing household energy in developing countries, they play a crucial role in the widespread adoption and use of clean cooking solutions. To support their catalytic role in the sector and ensure women can use their firsthand experiences in the creation of a thriving market, the Global Alliance […]