Do you work in Nepal? Do you have an innovative idea to address gender challenges in energy access and/or clean cooking?
Join our webinar on February 10 and find out how we could support you!
Date: February 10, 2021
Time: 14:00 NPT | 09:15 CET
To register, please send an e-mail to:, providing your name, e-mail address and organization.
The Facility
Hivos, ENERGIA, Energising Development (EnDev) and Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS) have recently established a Gender and Energy Innovation Facility with the objective to stimulate innovations at the gender and energy access nexus, including on clean and modern cooking.
A number of grants, amounting to up to 25,000 EUR per project, are available for a selected number of local projects that in 3 to 12 months intend to test innovative solutions and approaches to address persisting gender barriers in the access to clean energy.
The Facility is especially looking for innovations on:
- gender and energy entrepreneurship and employment
- gender and energy in the care economy
- gender in energy policy and practice.
Launch of the call for proposals for Nepal
After a successful launch in Kenya and Tanzania we are now launching the Facility in Nepal.
We are particularly encouraging the participation of unusual players in the development sector, out-of-the-box thinkers and those who dare to experiment without being afraid to fail.
Join the webinar to learn more about:
- the Facility, its partners and its objectives
- the activities and services provided
- the process and timeline to submit your innovative expression of interest and apply for a grant
Please note that the webinar and all activities of the Gender and Energy Innovation Facility are held in English.
*The Gender and Energy Innovation Facility is funded by the Swedish International Development Agency, Hivos, EnDev and MECS and runs from 2020 – 2022
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