Category: Blog
Gender Mainstreaming: From Policy to Practice
By Antara Majumdar Kenya is one of the few African countries that have adopted a national gender and energy policy. This means that there are directives to ensure that both men and women participate in and benefit equally from the energy sector policies, programs, projects and markets. The policy is based on the understanding that…
Secondary school shifts to improved cookstoves
By Omary Mtinga In Tanzania, firewood is the most common used cooking energy in households and schools. In the country’s rural areas, more than 90% of the population use firewood to prepare their meals. In the Kisarawe District, Eastern Tanzania the Chole Secondary School is a boarding school for girls and a day-school for boys…
Post 2030 Vision: Prioritizing Gender Indicators for a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition for All*
By Elizabeth Cecelski, Senior Technical Adviser ENERGIA, on behalf of the co-convenors of the Gender and Energy Compact** – ENERGIA, GWNET, UNIDO, SE4ALL – and UN Women With only six years remaining until the 2030 deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), progress has been too slow, especially on gender equality, according to UN Women’s recent…
The Tanzania Gender and Energy Network: 2024 Main Accomplishments
By TANGSEN TANGSEN is currently in the second year of the ENERGIA Phase 7 project, focusing on Driving the Energy Transition and Climate Justice. The project is supported by ENERGIA and Sida, and aims to empower marginalized communities, especially women, by providing access to clean energy and climate resilience strategies. It builds on the previous…
Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Senegal through Clean Energy
By Mercy Corps In Senegal, Mercy Corps is advancing women’s economic participation and environmental sustainability through the ENERGIA supported and Sida funded Foyré Rewbé 3 program. This initiative promotes the productive use of energy in sectors with high female representation, such as dairy, livestock, fisheries, market gardening, and the production and processing of rice and…
Women in Energy Enterprises in Kenya: Achievements and impact so far
By Practical Action Kenya Practical Action’s third phase of the ENERGIA supported and Sida funded Women in Energy Enterprises in Kenya (WEEK 3) Project supports women energy entrepreneurs in Meru, Embu and Tharaka Nithi Counties to run profitable businesses in energy technologies or Productive Use of Energy (PUE). The project also supports the national and…
Solar Sister Highlights: Driving Change Through Innovation and Growth
By Solar Sister Solar Sister and ENERGIA have been longstanding partners. With funding from Sida, ENERGIA supports Solar Sister in creating and growing Sisterhoods in Nigeria, Tanzania and Kenya. The Sisterhood entrepreneurs deliver clean energy directly to homes in rural African communities. Our current project runs from October 2022 till September 2026. Two years into…
Partner in the Spotlight: Solar Sister
At 52, Yugile Masala is a successful entrepreneur in Mwanza Region, Tanzania balancing two thriving businesses—selling fresh milk and clean energy products. Since joining Solar Sister in 2021, her journey has empowered her to grow both ventures while inspiring her community. With the support of Solar Sister’s training, she now runs a profitable enterprise, supports…
Climate Resilience Project- Strengthening Communities
Opportunity can feel out of reach in communities facing economic hardships and climate disasters. Solar Sister is changing that narrative through its network of over 11,000 women entrepreneurs. By adapting its model to meet women where they are, Solar Sister provides the tools and support needed to overcome barriers and build a brighter, more resilient…
Gender Assessment in the Energy Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies
By Immaculate Wafula and Josephine Osengo, Practical Action Eastern Africa Practical Action in Kenya and ENERGIA have been pioneers in driving gender equality in the energy sector, dating back to their partnership since the mid-2000s. A key milestone in this journey has been the Women in Energy Enterprises in Kenya (WEEK) project. As part of…
Empowering Women Market Gardeners in Fass Ngom, Senegal
By Maïmouna Makouar Diouf, Mercy Corps – Energy 4 Impact In the community of Fass Ngom, 30 km from Saint-Louis in northern Senegal, Mercy Corps’ energy access platform, Energy 4 Impact, collaborates with ENERGIA to support women engaged in market gardening. A recent visit to Fass Ngom allowed us to meet with 10 women beneficiaries…