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Energia website

  • At the 2015 SE4ALL Forum this week, ENERGIA’s International Coordinator, Sheila Oparaocha took to the stage to participate in an important discussion on Energy, Women & Children’s Health. The group of speakers – which represented the private sector, governments of concerned nations and other international NGO’s participating in relevant projects – discussed the issues facing women […]

  • The SE4ALL Forum  in New York City this week has been full of inspiring and enlightening conversation. From motivating speeches to policy discussions, those gathered have been focused on developing methods for delivering more sustainable energy to a greater number of people around the world. Among those gathered who are already hard at work on […]

  • Access to energy at all levels, from household to productive use to institutions, is recognized as an essential input to development and is critical for health, gender equality, and overall wellbeing. At the same time, since women are engaged in large numbers in micro- and small enterprises, they benefit tremendously from modern, more efficient energy […]

  • After a breakfast at the Ngorongoro Crater Ring, President Clinton drove for half an hour to Nainokanoka Dispensary in Ngorongoro. At the dispensary, he was greeted by a representative from the Ministry of Health, Arusha Regional medical office, dozens of local villagers and health care workers. Dr. Shemaghembi I. Bakari, in charge of the Nainokanoka […]

  • Solar Sister, a network of women entrepreneurs bringing clean energy to rural Africa, recently announced Chief Executive Officer Katherine Lucey has been named a Schwab Foundation Social Entrepreneur. Lucey has been recognized for leading the organization’s success in improving the health, safety, education and economic prosperity of communities in rural Africa through solar energy businesses. Solar Sister’s social enterprise model is […]

  • Underscoring the importance of the impact of access to energy, or the lack thereof, on women and girls, the first two years of the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) are dedicated to a global campaign on energy, women, children and health. In line with its commitment to SE4All, ENERGIA launched a new 1,3 […]

  • An increasing number of businesswomen are joining their male counterparts in developing new energy markets in rural Senegal and providing much needed energy products and services to remote communities. In a bid to support women’s entrepreneurial spirit and encourage their economic empowerment, GVEP and SEM Fund are working with women in Tambacounda and Kédougou to […]

  • On Thursday March 12, ENERGIA, together with the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves and the International Center for Research on Women, hosted High Level event: “Energy Access as a Key Driver of Gender Equality “. The event celebrated International Women’s Day and commemorated Beijing +20. The objective of this event was to raise awareness among […]

  • 5. The role of the private sector in scaling up energy access Lead partner: Environmental Economics Policy Research Unit (EPRU), South Africa branch of Environment for Development, Sweden Professor Martine Visser is in charge at EPRU for this research area. Consortium: Nuru East Africa Ltd (Nuru) Nuru Energy is an award-winning, for-profit social enterprise providing off-grid energy […]

  • 4. Energy sector reform Lead Partner: Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) of the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD),  Switzerland Laura Merrill is in charge at the Global Subsidies Initiative of IISD for this research area. Consortium: Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDs), Bangladesh BIDS is an autonomous public multi-disciplinary organization which conducts policy oriented research on development […]

  • 3. The political economy of energy sector dynamics Lead Partner: M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation, India Dr. Govind Kelkar is in charge at the M.S.Swaminathan Research Foundation for this research area. Consortium: Centre for Rural Technology, Nepal Centre for Rural Technology, Nepal (CRT/N) is a professional non-governmental organization engaged in developing and promoting appropriate rural technologies effective in meeting […]