country: Africa
Gender and Biomass Energy Conservation in Namibia: A Case Study with Special Reference to GTZ/ProBEC Interventions
Meeting women’s needs is often taken for granted in household energy and improved stoves programmes which are usually technical interventions, rather than socioeconomic ones. Gender perspectives in biomass energy conservation have seldom been examined closely. The objective of this case study was to demonstrate how gender aspects can be successfully integrated at different levels in…
Climate Change Implications for Southern Africa: A gendered perspective
This paper explores some of the potential impacts of climate change, possible adaptation strategies, and whether or not, given the socio-economic and political situation of the region, progress can be made towards ensuring that the region survives climate change. The paper highlights critical issues in international policies and strategies and their implications for the Southern…
Integrating Household Energy into Rural Development Programme
Despite urbanisation, most people in developing countries still live in rural areas and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Agricultural production is the basis of rural economies, but other rural industries such as fish smoking, beer brewing, production of simple agricultural tools, and tea and coffee drying also provide essential livelihoods in…