country: Asia
Biofuels for Sustainable Rural Development and Empowerment of Women
This book of case studies represents a collaborative effort to explore the potential of biofuels to provide sustainable livelihoods and local sources of energy for people in rural areas of developing countries, with a special emphasis on women. Although there are many forms of bio-energy that can be useful in this regard, our focus in…
Gender, Climate Change and Human Security – Lessons from Bangladesh, Ghana and Senegal
This study presents a gendered analysis of how climate change impacts on human security. It also assesses whether adequate scope exists for women to participate in improved human security in a scenario of changing climate. Based on this analysis, recommendations are givenfor enhancing the integration of a gender perspective in climate change and human security…
Will tomorrow be brighter than today?
Mainstreaming Gender in Energy
This presentation starts out by explaining why gender is so important in the context of energy. It then continues to ask what a meaningful participation of women in energy initiatives means and what the constraints are in achieving this meaningful participation. It concludes by exploring the possible roles for ENERGIA to play in this field…
Is the Gender Dimension of the Climate Debate Forgotten? Engendering the Climate Debate: Vulnerability, Adaptation, Mitigation and Financial Mechanisms
This report and attached presentation by the authors shows that gender and climate change issues has received minimal attention so far. Raising visibility of gender issues in climate change is crucial to ensure gender issues are mainstreamed into the debate surrounding the subject. Especially poor women are vulnerable to climate change and may bear an…
Women, Energy and Sustainable Development
Sustainable development is an equitable, empowering, environmentally sound, economically viable process of growth. Energy is the key indicator of sustainable development. About 74% of the population of India live in rural areas. 80% of their energy needs are derived from biomass. About 92% of this energy is consumed in cooking activity. Women play a major…