
The Gender Face of Energy – Module 2. Gender Tools for Energy Projects

Training manual to increase understanding of gender aspects of energy use and planning.

In order to plan in a gender sensitive way it is necessary to use a variety of analytic procedures that ensure the gender elements are not forgotten. This module presents some tools which help to plan a gender sensitive energy project. The idea is that they can be used alongside other tools which are normally used in the planning process.

The module starts with a general introduction to gender analytic tools (unit 2.1.). Then the framework for gender analytic tools for use in gender sensitive energy project planning is presented (unit 2.2.) A case study from Sudan is used to illustrate this framework and the tools (unit 2.3.). In unit 2.4 a detailed explanation of the steps in the framework and the use of the tools will be provided. Data gathering techniques appropriate for use with the framework are presented in the unit 2.5. The module finishes with an action plan for re-entry into the workplace after the training.