
The Gender Face of Energy – Module 4. Gender and Energy Advocacy

Training manual to increase understanding of gender aspects of energy use and planning.

Gender and energy is a relatively new field in sustainable development policy. Sometimes policymakers are not even aware that gender issues play a role in energy policy, or that energy has the power to shape women’s and men’s lives; and sometimes policymakers are aware of gender issues, but have no idea how to incorporate gender in energy policy. Raising awareness about gender in energy policy, changing the attitudes of those in power and influencing energy policy so that gender is taken into account are some of the activities that are needed to engender energy policy.

Advocacy is about influencing those in power so that certain objectives are achieved. Advocacy can play an important role in engendering energy policy. This module aims to train people who are planning to be active in advocating around issues related to gender and energy. During the module, participants will work on a case that will teach them how to advocate gender in energy policy.