
Training Manual on Gender Mainstreaming, Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme

Mainstreaming gender issues within the core business under the Human Rights-based approach (HRB-approach) involves acknowledging that human beings are both, on the one hand, individuals, but also members of particular groups or categories. For that reason, fundamental to gender mainstreaming is the belief that all human beings are entitled to enjoy the basic human right of equality of opportunity unrestricted by prejudices associated with gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, age, religion or health status. In addition, gender mainstreaming seeks to enable individuals gain independence by helping them to acquire the confidence and the ability not only to represent their own interests and to properly defend and articulate their own rights, but also to support others in doing the same.

The training manual aims to help PREEEP members at different levels to introduce the topic of gender within their component activities, introduce gender analysis into all stages of the programme cycle, and maintain a monitoring and evaluation system to enable them adopt adequate indicators which promote transparency and equality. It is important to introduce this tool to the sector partner organisations to assist all those involved in the advancement of development and energy outcomes that are gender sensitive and address the needs of men and women equally.

The Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (PREEEP) implemented by GIZ and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD), is committed to addressing gender issues in the energy sector because of their link to development, as well as creating opportunities for communities by improving their access to innovative approaches to energy service delivery.