This new issue of ENERGIA News is dedicated to ENERGIA’s Gender and Energy Research Programme.
Our gender and energy research programme runs from February 2014 to February 2019 with financial support from the UK Department for International Development (DFID). It aims to generate and analyse empirical evidence on the links between gender, energy and poverty, and to translate this evidence into recommendations for energy policy and practice. ENERGIA and DFID expect the results of the research carried out under this programme to contribute to more effective policy and project interventions related to energy access, particularly in support of SE4All, as well as to women’s empowerment and gender equality.
Five research areas
The research programme consists of research in five areas that were identified as key areas where empirical evidence is needed.
• RA1: Exploring factors that enhance and restrict women’s empowerment through electrification;
• RA2: Productive uses of energy in informal food preparation and processing sectors;
• RA3: The political economy of energy sector dynamics;
• RA4: Gender and energy sector reform;
• RA5: The role of the private sector in scaling up energy access.
In 2015, all five research areas conducted a scoping study. A summary of the findings are included in this issue of ENERGIA News.
Also included in this issue are an interview with Ms Rachel Kyte, CEO of SE4All, an article on DFIDs Sustainable Energy Access and Gender programme, as well as a short piece on a commissioned research that looks at ENERGIA’s gender approaches over the years, deriving lessons learned from that experience. In News from the Secretariat we give you a short update of our other programmes, the Women’s Economic Empowerment Programme, the Gender and Energy Advocacy Programme, and related issues.
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