Maximizing impacts of energy access: How can green and just energy transitions catalyze development opportunities?
Date: Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Time: 13:40 to 14:25
Location: Brussels Expo (Palais 7 and 11), Avenue De Miramar / Miramarlaan, B-1020 Brussels
Studio 3 – Lab Debate
Register here. (CLOSED). Recordings available here.
Energy, as an enabler of development, is inextricably linked to virtually all other SDGs. A question that receives less attention though is: How can we maximize the development effects of energy access?
In principle, energy can (em)power practically any component of the livelihoods of people. However, achieving real and long-lasting results implies a big crucial challenge.
So, which context-specific development challenges should be addressed in order to be successful, while at the same time the opportunities and motivations of individuals and their communities are recognized?
How can we create positive and enduring interlinkages between energy and other sectors such as agriculture, water, education and economic development that can help to boost impacts on all levels?
We will take a look at “SDG7 and beyond”, and explore these and other crucial aspects on how energy can maximize impacts of multiple related SDGs.
This session is co-organized by Wuppertal Institut, GIZ, ENERGIA and Energypedia.

About the European Development Days (EDD)
Organised by the European Commission, the European Development Days (EDD) bring the development community together each year to share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges. The EDD have a participatory programme.
At EDD 2022 there will be different types of sessions:
- High-Level Panels (HLPs) are highly visible segments of the programme and feature high-profile policymakers and speakers for thought-provoking debates.
- Lab Debates are smaller version of HLPs. They foster debates on the EDD 2022’s topics in an interactive and engaging way.
- Project/Report Presentations are for organisers to share their latest reports and projects on a topic relevant to the EDD’s main theme.
- Brainstorming Sessions are interactive, topic-oriented sessions that enable organisers to involve the audience in rolling-up their sleeves and proposing concrete recommendations through facilitated group-problem solving. Brainstorming sessions will only be held onsite.
- Agora Sessions are an open, multi-purpose area where the EDD community can meet, discuss and listen to new ideas in short, 20-minute sessions held entirely onsite. Agoras are the perfect setting for more informal, highly dynamic discussions.