Focal area: Advocacy and Awareness raising
Gender and Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform – Presentation
Unlocking energy access impacts through gender-sensitive approaches
During the Asia Clean Energy Forum in Manila, ENERGIA, the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy, together with the ADB and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves organised a Deep Dive Session on Unlocking Energy Access Impacts through Gender-Sensitive Approaches. Amidst the grid electrification and other technology centred workshops, this session provided a…
ENERGIA at the 2015 Vienna Energy Forum
Elizabeth Cecelski – 21 June 2015, Vienna, Austria From 18 – 20 June, UNIDO organized the Vienna Energy Forum 2015, together with SE4ALL. ENERGIA co-hosted a networking event and a side event on gender, energy and inclusive development. As one of ENERGIA’s technical advisor I attended this inspiring forum. It was good to see old…
Event Recap: Gender Track at the SE4All Forum 2015
It was apparent at the 2015 SE4ALL Forum last week that the topic of gender has finally wedged its way into the energy access conversation. From the multi-stakeholder sessions early in the week, all the way through to the ministerial dialogues in the General Assembly hall at the United Nations, women were mentioned not only…
ENERGIA and partners give hand and feet to SE4All campaign on the ground
Underscoring the importance of the impact of access to energy, or the lack thereof, on women and girls, the first two years of the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4All) are dedicated to a global campaign on energy, women, children and health. In line with its commitment to SE4All, ENERGIA launched a new 1,3…
Gender Briefing Notes: Supporting active inclusion of women in energy and development projects
This brochure has been developed to assist EUEI PDF partners, consultants and energy practitioners to ensure equal benefits for men and women in development projects in the energy sector, as well as to ensure a gender sensitive approach in ongoing and future interventions. The Briefing Notes will provide the reader with gender dimensions of the…
Energy Options for Livelihood Needs of the Poor and Women in an Era of High Fossil Fuel Prices
The paper includes three sections. The first section provides information on the context of high and volatile fuel prices and some economic impacts with the objective of establishing a common understanding and relevance of this context. It also reviews some of the government policy responses. The second section provides information on the poverty impact of…
Energy Options for Cooking and Other Domestic Energy Needs of the Poor and Women in the Era of High Fossil Fuel Prices
In the present era of volatile and uncertain fossil fuel prices, which may be prolonged, the prospects for poor households to find alternatives to traditional fuels for cooking are dimmer than ever. Furthermore, the assumption that reducing poverty will facilitate the transition to modern fuels for cooking and other domestic needs is challengeable as, in…
Monitoring the Effectiveness and Impacts of Policies to Accelerate Energy Access to the Poor and Women
The paper develops a framework for monitoring the effectiveness of energy policies with regard to the poor, rural and urban, and women. This framework is based on the axes of Availability, Access, End-use and Impacts. Suitable indicators have been identified for each level of monitoring. With regard to data collection it is suggested that the…
Balancing Regulation and Incentives to Enhance Energy Access to the Poor and Women in Privatising Energy Markets
The objective of this paper is to explore issues related to incentives and regulation in providing energy access to the poor and women. The market oriented reform that began in 1990s, promising the end of all problems of the sector, has by and large bypassed the poor. Many countries have initiated direct programmes to increase…
Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Capacity development to support expanding access to modern energy services
The outline of the presentation:(1)Energy and Gender – links and challenges; (2) Gender issues in infrastructure; (3) Scaling up access to modern energy services for poor women and men entails…; (4) Integrating energy into MDG-based National Development Strategies/PRS; (5) Developing Institutional Capacity to deliver energy services; and (6) Partnerships are critical – nobody can do…