Focal area: Advocacy and Awareness raising
Where Energy is Women’s Business – The Pacific
Outline of the presentation:(1) Energy and gender issues – Pacific; (2) Pacific Energy and Gender Network (PEG); (3)PEG achievements; (4) PEG Strategic Action Plan; (5) PEG Capacity building workshops; and (6) Concluding remarks.
Energy as Women’s Business
This presentation marked the launch of the ENERGIA publication ‘Where Energy is Women’s Business’. The book is a compilation of regional reports and national gender and energy papers, commissioned by ENERGIA in preparation for discussions on access to energy at CSD 14 & 15. By presenting this publication at CSD 15, ENERGIA provided an opportunity…
From the Millenium Development Goals towards a gender-sensitive energy policy research and practice: empirical evidence and case studies
This synthesis report presents the results of an ENERGIA/UK Department of International Development (DfID) research project on “Gender as a key variable in energy.” The project brought together some of the world’s foremost experts on gender and energy in a Collaborative Research Group on Gender and Energy. Gender equality and women’s empowerment are viewed as…
Re-Thinking Gender and Energy: Old and new directions
This paper asks what approaches to policy research could help make the linkages among gender, energy and poverty more understandable and more convincing to policy makers and practitioners, both in the energy sector itself, and in the gender and development community. It attempts a “re-thinking” of the gender and energy paradigm, by looking both backwards…
Editorial in special issue Energy for Sustainable Development Journal on Gender and Energy
The articles in this special issue of ‘Energy for Sustainable Development’ show that ‘engendered’ approaches to energy service provision and energy policy can have a powerful and positive impact on women’s lives and the prosperity of their families and communities, and can directly contribute to sustainable development at large.
Mainstreaming Gender in Energy
This presentation starts out by explaining why gender is so important in the context of energy. It then continues to ask what a meaningful participation of women in energy initiatives means and what the constraints are in achieving this meaningful participation. It concludes by exploring the possible roles for ENERGIA to play in this field…
Enabling Equitable Access to Rural Electrification: Current thinking on energy, poverty and gender
This briefing paper summarizes current thinking on energy, poverty and gender. A particular focus is given on rural electrification with renewable energy, based on ASTAE’s comparative advantage historically. A companion report on major institutional actors and their activities has also been prepared.
Is the Gender Dimension of the Climate Debate Forgotten? Engendering the Climate Debate: Vulnerability, Adaptation, Mitigation and Financial Mechanisms
This report and attached presentation by the authors shows that gender and climate change issues has received minimal attention so far. Raising visibility of gender issues in climate change is crucial to ensure gender issues are mainstreamed into the debate surrounding the subject. Especially poor women are vulnerable to climate change and may bear an…