Focal area: Gender mainstreaming
From the Millenium Development Goals towards a gender-sensitive energy policy research and practice: empirical evidence and case studies
This synthesis report presents the results of an ENERGIA/UK Department of International Development (DfID) research project on “Gender as a key variable in energy.” The project brought together some of the world’s foremost experts on gender and energy in a Collaborative Research Group on Gender and Energy. Gender equality and women’s empowerment are viewed as…
Women and Productive Uses of Energy: Some light on a shadowy area
The objective of this paper is to briefly outline the key issues in mainstreaming gender issues in UNDP initiatives on Productive Uses of Renewable Energy (PURE), which is aimed at linking energy services with poverty reduction. The paper defines gender mainstreaming in the context of energy, the gender dimensions in PURE, identifies critical issues to…
Increasing Gender Sensitivity when Planning for Energy and Transport Services
This is a summary report of a side event to the UNFCCC COP 9 in Milan titled ‘Promoting Gender Equality, Providing Energy Solutions, and Preventing Climate Change’, organised by the Swedish Ministry of Environment, on behalf of the Network of Women Ministers for the Environment. The overall question for the seminar was how a gender…
Re-Thinking Gender and Energy: Old and new directions
This paper asks what approaches to policy research could help make the linkages among gender, energy and poverty more understandable and more convincing to policy makers and practitioners, both in the energy sector itself, and in the gender and development community. It attempts a “re-thinking” of the gender and energy paradigm, by looking both backwards…
Editorial in special issue Energy for Sustainable Development Journal on Gender and Energy
The articles in this special issue of ‘Energy for Sustainable Development’ show that ‘engendered’ approaches to energy service provision and energy policy can have a powerful and positive impact on women’s lives and the prosperity of their families and communities, and can directly contribute to sustainable development at large.
Mainstreaming Gender in Energy
This presentation starts out by explaining why gender is so important in the context of energy. It then continues to ask what a meaningful participation of women in energy initiatives means and what the constraints are in achieving this meaningful participation. It concludes by exploring the possible roles for ENERGIA to play in this field…
Mainstreaming Gender in Climate Change – Vulnerability, Impacts and Adaptation viewed through Gender Lenses
Gender is absent in the climate change debate and the question is whether and how women could start playing a role. Women have strong links with the environment and for various reasons are more vulnerable to environmental changes. A number of adaptation and mitigation strategies are discussed and recommendations are given how gender should be…
Power Sector Reforms, Rural Electrification and Gender-Related Issues
The principle objectives of this background paper, as outlined in the terms of reference, are to provide an overview of existing approaches and projects in areas of gender and energy, including where possible, practical experiences with gender and energy policy formulation and implementation. The paper is written with a view to deepen our analysis of…
Why Special Attention to Gender in Electrification Programmes?
This paper sets out to say that women’s priority energy needs are different from men’s. There is little information or written experience, however, on how to deal with this in the practice of setting up and running electrification programmes. The report presents four steps that should be taken to take gender differences explicitly into account.