Focal area: Gender mainstreaming
Integration du Genre dans le PERACOD, Senegal [in French]
Mainstreaming Gender in Energy Projects Knowledge Products In 2007 ENERGIA started with its strategy to mainstream gender in energy projects. We worked with seven energy projects on gender mainstreaming. The projects varied from rural electrification programs to biogas to cook stove projects. Some were household energy projects, others also had a strong focus on energy…
Training Manual on Gender Mainstreaming, Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme
Mainstreaming gender issues within the core business under the Human Rights-based approach (HRB-approach) involves acknowledging that human beings are both, on the one hand, individuals, but also members of particular groups or categories. For that reason, fundamental to gender mainstreaming is the belief that all human beings are entitled to enjoy the basic human right…
ENERGIA Handbook for Gender Audit of Draft National Energy Policy for Lesotho
This handbook is intended as working guide on “how to” conduct the gender audit for the Lesotho draft National Energy Policy. Its intended users and authors are the national gender audit team and the ENERGIA technical advisor. The handbook provides a process, methods and tools that identifies and analyzes factors that hinder efforts to mainstream…
A Guide on Gender Mainstreaming in the Africa Biogas Partnership Programme (ABPP)
This Gender Mainstreaming (GM) Guide has been developed by ENERGIA, the International network on Gender and Sustainable Energy, as preparation for the Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in ABPP, to be held in Nairobi on 18-19th May, 2010.The draft was discussed at the workshop, and additional inputs incorporated in the final version. The Gender Mainstreaming Guide…
Biofuels for Sustainable Rural Development and Empowerment of Women
This book of case studies represents a collaborative effort to explore the potential of biofuels to provide sustainable livelihoods and local sources of energy for people in rural areas of developing countries, with a special emphasis on women. Although there are many forms of bio-energy that can be useful in this regard, our focus in…
Energy Options for Livelihood Needs of the Poor and Women in an Era of High Fossil Fuel Prices
The paper includes three sections. The first section provides information on the context of high and volatile fuel prices and some economic impacts with the objective of establishing a common understanding and relevance of this context. It also reviews some of the government policy responses. The second section provides information on the poverty impact of…
Energy Options for Cooking and Other Domestic Energy Needs of the Poor and Women in the Era of High Fossil Fuel Prices
In the present era of volatile and uncertain fossil fuel prices, which may be prolonged, the prospects for poor households to find alternatives to traditional fuels for cooking are dimmer than ever. Furthermore, the assumption that reducing poverty will facilitate the transition to modern fuels for cooking and other domestic needs is challengeable as, in…
Monitoring the Effectiveness and Impacts of Policies to Accelerate Energy Access to the Poor and Women
The paper develops a framework for monitoring the effectiveness of energy policies with regard to the poor, rural and urban, and women. This framework is based on the axes of Availability, Access, End-use and Impacts. Suitable indicators have been identified for each level of monitoring. With regard to data collection it is suggested that the…
Balancing Regulation and Incentives to Enhance Energy Access to the Poor and Women in Privatising Energy Markets
The objective of this paper is to explore issues related to incentives and regulation in providing energy access to the poor and women. The market oriented reform that began in 1990s, promising the end of all problems of the sector, has by and large bypassed the poor. Many countries have initiated direct programmes to increase…
The Gender Face of Energy – Module 2. Gender Tools for Energy Projects
Training manual to increase understanding of gender aspects of energy use and planning. MODULE 2 GENDER TOOLSIn order to plan in a gender sensitive way it is necessary to use a variety of analytic procedures that ensure the gender elements are not forgotten. This module presents some tools which help to plan a gender sensitive…
The Gender Face of Energy – Module 1. Concepts in Gender and Energy
The Gender Face of Energy – Module 3. Engendering Energy Policy
Training manual to increase understanding of gender aspects of energy use and planning. MODULE 3 ENGENDERING ENERGY POLICYGender and energy are a relatively new area of international sustainable development activities. Awareness about gender issues in energy policy is beginning to emerge with ground breaking attemptsto engender energy policy in South Africa and Uganda. In part,…