Focal area: Gender mainstreaming
The Gender Face of Energy – Module 3. Engendering Energy Policy
Training manual to increase understanding of gender aspects of energy use and planning. MODULE 3 ENGENDERING ENERGY POLICYGender and energy are a relatively new area of international sustainable development activities. Awareness about gender issues in energy policy is beginning to emerge with ground breaking attemptsto engender energy policy in South Africa and Uganda. In part,…
The Gender Face of Energy – Trainers Guide Module 2
The Gender Face of Energy – Module 4. Gender and Energy Advocacy
Training manual to increase understanding of gender aspects of energy use and planning. MODULE 4: GENDER AND ENERGY ADVOCACYGender and energy is a relatively new field in sustainable development policy. Sometimes policymakers are not even aware that gender issues play a role in energy policy, or that energy has the power to shape women’s and…
The Gender Face of Energy – Trainers Guide Module 3
The Gender Face of Energy – Trainers Guide Module 4
The Gender Face of Energy – Trainers Guide Module 5
The Gender Face of Energy – Module 5. Project Proposal Development
The Gender Face of Energy – Module 6. Communicating Project Results
Energy as Women’s Business
This presentation marked the launch of the ENERGIA publication ‘Where Energy is Women’s Business’. The book is a compilation of regional reports and national gender and energy papers, commissioned by ENERGIA in preparation for discussions on access to energy at CSD 14 & 15. By presenting this publication at CSD 15, ENERGIA provided an opportunity…
Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment: Capacity development to support expanding access to modern energy services
The outline of the presentation:(1)Energy and Gender – links and challenges; (2) Gender issues in infrastructure; (3) Scaling up access to modern energy services for poor women and men entails…; (4) Integrating energy into MDG-based National Development Strategies/PRS; (5) Developing Institutional Capacity to deliver energy services; and (6) Partnerships are critical – nobody can do…
Where Energy is Women’s Business – The Pacific
Outline of the presentation:(1) Energy and gender issues – Pacific; (2) Pacific Energy and Gender Network (PEG); (3)PEG achievements; (4) PEG Strategic Action Plan; (5) PEG Capacity building workshops; and (6) Concluding remarks.
Beyond Firewood: Fuel alternatives and protection strategies for displaced women and girls
This report outlines alternative fuel options, firewood collection techniques and other protection strategies that should be used in displaced and refugee situations worldwide.