Skip to: New solar batteries help Awa get business back on track

Energia website

  • Business is booming for Senegalese entrepreneur Awa Sene, the first cold trader in the rural village of Khassid, located 150 km southwest of Dakar. The solar freezer that she purchased 18 months ago has enabled her to generate healthy profits by selling refrigerated and frozen products such as fruit juices, yogurt, milk, ice and chilled […]

  •   Living in Dalchoki, in Nepal, is already a challenge, but the barriers an entrepreneur like Purnima Ghalan faces go beyond the inaccessibility of this small nepali village. Due to cultural norms and gender roles, women in Nepal are often left behind in launching and growing small-scale businesses. Purnima, 40, is now a hotel owner […]

  • Mother of four, farmer, wife, and small business woman, Patricia Shayo is a determined and creative Tanzanian woman. When she’s not managing the household and raising four children – including twins! – she brings in extra cash by making nutritious sorghum flour to sell door to door. Patricia also farms a small plot of land […]

  • When Onyinye Onye Ndimele heard about the opportunity to sell solar products, she was not convinced she would be able to make a business out of it. She works as a high school teacher and also sells toiletries like  coconut oil and shea butter for extra income. “At the beginning, I was worried about how […]

  •   ENERGIA is delighted to announce that our long-time partner, the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida), has committed to our new project Empowering Women, Engendering Energy with a 6 million euro contribution. The project builds on our experience in women’s economic empowerment, advocacy for gender inclusion in energy policies and practice, gender mainstreaming in large […]