Unlocking Energy Access Impact, Investment, Scale and Sustainability through Gender-Sensitive Approaches
Date: Monday, June 15, 2:00 – 5:30
Organizers: ENERGIA, the International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy; Global Alliance on Clean Cookstoves; Energy for All Initiative and South Asia Energy Division, ADB
The United Nations General Assembly declared the decade 2014 2024 as the Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL), and that the first two years are dedicated to a global campaign on energy, women, children and health.
Access to energy – at all levels, from household to productive use to institutions is recognized as an essential input to development and is critical for health, gender equality, and overall wellbeing. At the same time, since women are engaged in large numbers in micro- and small enterprises, they benefit tremendously from modern, more efficient energy sources. Gender-informed approaches are known to reach consumers better, support women in the value chain, and enhance the overall adoption and effectiveness of energy solutions.
The objective of this DDW is to lay out concrete evidence on the central role that gender issues play in achieving energy access goals. This will be done through discussions, presentations and interactive session covering two tracks:
- Energy access, women and economic empowerment
- Developing, investing in, and monitoring gender-informed business models
Please click here for more details and a draft agenda. For questions, or to register for this DDW, please contact Soma Dutta atsomadutta2010@gmail.com.
Please note: all DDW participants must also register for ACEF at the Registration link here.
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