On September 8, 2021 the Governments of Iceland and Kenya together with ENERGIA, GWNET and UNIDO and their partners ACCESS, Clean Cooking Alliance, Practical Action East Africa, Power for ALL, Shine, SEWA, UN Women and UN ESCWA discussed the Gender Energy Compact during a Deep Dive workshop. The Compact aims at catalyzing action towards gender equality and women’s empowerment to accelerate a just, inclusive and sustainable energy transition.
If you missed or would like to revisit the Deep Dive Workshop, the recording can be accessed here and you can also find the slides that were used by the presenters here.
Next steps
The Coalition will be launched officially at the UN High-level Dialogue on Energy during the General Assembly in September 2021. All actors in the SDG7 movement are invited to sign up to this Coalition and submit their individual Energy Compacts between now and 2030.
We encourage you to revert your comments on the Compact as soon as possible, but latest by 15 September 2021, to make sure that they can be incorporated before the launch of the initiative at the HLDE. If you would like to be part of the Gender Energy Compact Coalition, please contact us and share your logo with us for inclusion into the Gender Energy Compact.
As mentioned, however, the Compact will be a living document and we would very much welcome your contributions and endorsements as well after this very tight timeline.
Please share any questions, comments or suggestions about joining this Coalition with Ms. Katharina Pröstler (k.proestler@unido.org).
We look forward to jointly shape this Energy Compact, creating joint impact for the life of women and partnering with you to build a gender-responsive sustainable energy transition and take action to advance SDG 7 and SDG 5.
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