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  • Climate Resilience Project. Performance & Impact Report

    Solar Sister’s network of more than 11,000 Solar Sister Entrepreneurs bring climate-resilient technologies to their communities while building a pathway to prosperity for themselves and their families through entrepreneurship. The communities Solar Sister works in often face immense barriers to accessing economic opportunities including gender disparity, economic and political instability, and climate disaster. Solar Sister […]

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  • The Gender-Energy Nexus in the AI Era: Challenges and Opportunities

    The intersection of gender, energy and Artificial Intelligence (AI) presents both challenges and opportunities for achieving gender equality and sustainable development. AI can be a critical enabler in accomplishing 134 of the 169 targets under the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with over 600 AI-enabled use cases identified. However, the impact of AI […]

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  • The Gendered Energy Crisis: Prospects for an eco-feminist Just Energy Transition in South Africa

    This report is focused on identifying the ongoing challenges at Eskom, the South African power utility, thus shedding light on democratic processes and human rights considerations. It adopts a feminist lens in its analysis of the electricity crisis, exploring potential feminist approaches to restructuring the existing electricity grid infrastructure. This includes analyzing the integration of […]

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  • The political economy of gender mainstreaming in energy access in Senegal

    ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT In June 2017, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) adopted the Policy for Gender Mainstreaming in Energy Access to integrate gender equity in West Africa’s energy and climate policy making. The policy represents the first regional gender and energy policy in the world, establishing a framework to enhance understanding at the […]

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  • Tracking SDG 7 – 2024 Report

    Since its inception in 2018, Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report has become the global reference for information on progress toward the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7) of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The report is produced annually by the five custodian agencies responsible for tracking progress toward the […]

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  • Assessment Report: Gender Mainstreaming in Semi-Autonomous Government Agencies (SAGAS) in Kenya

    This report is an assessment of the extent to which the institutionalization of gender mainstreaming has been achieved. It also identifies the successes, challenges, and opportunities for further intervention. The report is divided into seven sections: Section 1 describes the background, context and objectives of the audit. Section 2 describes the methodology, including the inception […]

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  • Mainstreaming Gender in National Energy Policy Plans

    Over the last three decades, the value of gender mainstreaming in policy, planning, and implementation has been increasingly recognized as a key strategy for accelerating progress towards gender equality. In Kenya, since the mid-2000s, government, civil society, international donors, and gender champions have collaborated to mainstream gender in the energy sector. A key milestone in […]

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  • Women’s Employment in Energy Sector Utilities Toolkit

    This Women’s Employment in Energy Sector Utilities Toolkit is A “one-stop shop” for advice and resources on how to bolster women’s employment in energy utilities. It contains links to free, publicly available tools and resources aimed at addressing the barriers identified in the Stepping Up Women’s STEM Careers reports. The toolkit contains four modules, each thematically focused. The […]

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  • Empowering Women in Clean Energy: Advancing and Retaining an Equitable Workforce

    Women are increasingly taking on leadership roles in the renewable energy sector, establishing  businesses as energy producers, distributors and service providers. Women are also taking on an increasing number of roles at the entry level in clean energy companies across Africa – in fact, more women make up roles in renewable energy than the traditional […]

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  • Why Off-Grid Energy Matters 2024

    Why Off-Grid Energy Matters 2024 is the world’s most comprehensive social impact assessment of off-grid energy to date, featuring insights from 79,000 energy customers in over 30 different countries.

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  • Productive Use Catalog 2023

    Productive Use of Energy or PUE is a term that has been popping up growingly in  discussions and literature around solar energy for the African continent over the past 2 years. Next to the other traditional solar segments such as “large scale”, “mini-grids” or “SHS – Solar Home Systems” to cite a few, PUE indeed […]

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  • Tracking SDG 7 – 2023 Report

    Since its inception in 2018, Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report has become the global reference point for information on the realization of SDG 7. It is produced annually by five of the custodian agencies responsible for tracking global progress toward Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG 7), which is to “ensure access to  affordable, […]

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  • Energy Compacts: Annual Progress Report 2023

    Foreword In an era marked by unprecedented global challenges, from climate change to resource scarcity, energy has emerged as the critical lever that can either propel humanity toward a sustainable future or entrench us in the perils of environmental degradation and social insecurity. At the mid-point of the 2030 Agenda, as we stand at this […]

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  • Gender aspects of the rising cost of living and the impact of the energy crisis

    This study analysis, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee,  scratched the surface of the hidden face of the gendered impact of the rising cost of living and the ongoing energy crisis in the European Union. Scratching the surface,  because the real […]

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  • Breakthroughs: Advancing Gender Equity in African Clean Energy

    Historically, employees in the African clean energy sector have been predominantly male – but that is slowly changing. Clean energy companies across Africa are making concerted efforts to diversify their workforces, making a particular effort to attract, hire, and retain women. Companies have broadened marketing approaches, innovated in how they manage applications and interviews, investigated […]

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