Inequalities and discriminations based on gender, such as GBV, and environmental unsustainability are deeply interlinked, such that tackling one without addressing the other is unlikely to succeed. Although largely undocumented to date, GBV and environment links may feature in conservation initiatives as well as those focused on gender, economic empowerment, development, humanitarian aid, and rights issues across international organizations, NGOs (national and international), donors, academia, indigenous groups and other relevant actors.
This survey is part of a research project on the linkages between gender-based violence (GBV) and environmental issues undertaken by AGENT (Advancing Gender in the Environment), a partnership between the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Global Gender Office and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). It complements a recent call for case studies on GBV and environmental issues.
We invite responses to this survey from any actors who address gender and/or environmental issues in the context of their programmes, projects or initiatives.
This survey will be open until September 24th.
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