Opportunity: Launch of the 2022-23 Women in Energy Storage (WES) Mentoring Program

ESMAP and the Global Women’s Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET) are launching the second edition of the Women in Energy Storage (WES) Mentoring Program.

The WES Mentoring Program aims to accelerate the careers of women in junior/middle management positions in the energy storage field and promote best practices within the energy storage sector. The mentoring program aims to increase women’s representation at managerial and decision-making levels, foster social change and encourage networking, and support participants to develop career goals which they can strategically work towards.

They are currently recruiting mentors as well as mentees for this 12-month program.

The application deadline is March 31, 2022. To apply for the program, please visit the Call for Applicants page.

Contact: Nathyeli Acuna Castillo (esmap@worldbank.org)


For more information, please visit this page.