

Women’s Economic Empowerment programme
Kopernik engages women to sell solar lanterns, water filters and fuel-efficient cookstoves in their communities. These ‘ibu inspirasi’ (‘wonder women’) include Tech Agents, who sell door-to-door or through technology fairs, and Tech Kiosk operators – active partners in existing retail stores. This distribution model makes energy products accessible in remote communities not served through traditional supply chains. Kopernik consolidates technology shipments to remote locations, where the women can collect inventory. Customers purchase from a ‘trusted source’ and receive reliable after-sales service. The ‘ibu inspirasi’ receive training, initial inventory on consignment, and a starter kit of sales and marketing materials, as well as mentoring to support their business development. The women can start selling technologies without taking on risk or debt, and earn a commission on every sale. As they repay the cost price, Kopernik reinvests this money in replenishing their inventory.

Country: Indonesia     Targets: 488 entrepreneurs; 235,000 consumers     Technologies: solar lighting, improved cookstoves, water purifiers

Read more: Kopernik WE-Project Sheet, Kopernik WE-Conext and Project Summary


Gender and Energy Advocacy programme
Indonesia has a population of 250 million. 120 million live in rural areas, 80 million of which without access to electricity. 82% use biomass as their primary cooking fuel. This energy poverty affects women the most, as they bear primary responsibility for household activities like cooking, cleaning, providing water and caring for children. There is a clear need to advocate for simple, affordable, durable technologies to serve remote communities, and for the role of women in distributing these technologies.

With the aim of positioning gender considerations as a core component of Indonesia’s SE4All Country Action Agenda, processes and activities, Kopernik engages actively with targeted government ministries and funding bodies. To gain strength in doing so, Kopernik develops alliances with influential CSOs, international agencies and private sector and coordinates a national campaign involving clean energy microsocial-entrepreneurs, to raise awareness of the role of women in expanding energy access.

Read more: Kopernik Advocacy-Project Sheet, Kopernik Advocacy-Context and Project Summary


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