Skip to: Energy and Gender in Asia: A regional review

Energia website

  • The ongoing global energy transition towards a low carbon and sustainable future has the potential to bring far-reaching and systematic changes to our societies. This transition offers several opportunities for greater social justice and gender equality and is likely to create pathways to improve women’s quality of life. While making inroads into entrenched social structures, […]

  • In the wider West African region, Ghana is often seen as an energy success story with over 80% of the population having access to grid electricity. Yet, 50% of rural areas live without this access while ‘dumsor’ (load shedding) poses an ongoing challenge for those connected. In terms of gender equity, national energy policy recognises […]

  • Meeting women’s needs is often taken for granted in household energy and improved stoves programmes which are usually technical interventions, rather than socioeconomic ones. Gender perspectives in biomass energy conservation have seldom been examined closely. The objective of this case study was to demonstrate how gender aspects can be successfully integrated at different levels in […]
