Energy Compacts: Annual Progress Report 2023


In an era marked by unprecedented global challenges, from climate change to resource
scarcity, energy has emerged as the critical lever that can either propel humanity toward
a sustainable future or entrench us in the perils of environmental degradation and social
insecurity. At the mid-point of the 2030 Agenda, as we stand at this critical juncture, we are delighted to introduce the Energy Compacts Annual Progress Report 2023, a testament to our collective determination to shape a brighter tomorrow.

As you will read in this report, the Energy Compact community has demonstrated unwavering commitment in responding to the UN Secretary-General’s urgent call for accelerated action on the ground by implementing initiatives that offer a glimpse into a future with universal, affordable and sustainable energy alongside a clean energy transition for all.

This report, issued in support of the SDG Summit 2023, is more than just a compendium of facts and figures; it is a clarion call to action, urging Member States, the private sector, and multistakeholder coalitions to go further and faster toward addressing the pressing energy challenges of our time.

Our commitment to a clean energy future is not just a promise; it is based on actions that we must make here and now to help advance climate and development goals.
Thank you for joining us on this transformative journey.

Administrator of UNDP; Co-Chair, UN-Energy

Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sustainable Energy for All; Co-Chair, UN-Energy