
Stepping Up Women’s STEM Careers in Infrastructure: Case Studies

The five case studies detailed in this document describe a variety of contexts in which measures are being implemented to attract, recruit, retain, and advance women in STEM roles in the infrastructure sectors. The area of focus for each of these studies is as follows:

  • Recruitment: Bridging the Skills Gap in the Water Sector: Women’s Scholarship Pilot in Lao PDR
  • Retention: Addressing Domestic Violence in the Workplace to Improve Business Outcomes: The Case of Solomon Water
  • Advancement: Investing in Women’s Leadership in Male-Dominated Sectors: Panama’s Emerging Women Leaders Program
  • Attraction, Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement: Energizing Equity in Talent: The Case of Equal Opportunities in EVN Macedonia
  • Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement: Institutionalizing Gender Equality in Project Design: The Case of Ethiopian Electric Utility