WEBINAR: Financing National Energy Access: A Bottom Up Approach.

Practical Action (PA) is launching its 6th edition of the Poor People’s Energy Outlook (PPEO) series –Financing National Energy Access: A Bottom Up Approach. This report considers how best to finance the national integrated energy access plans PA created for Bangladesh, Kenya and Togo in PPEO 2016, looking at the mix of technologies and funding required to achieve national and global energy access goals by 2030.

On September 6th, PA will be delivering a webinar to introduce key findings from the report and discuss these with representatives from the International Energy Agency (IEA), SunFunder, and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves (GACC). The webinar will provide recommendations on addressing and accelerating finance flows in order to reach access goals.


Additional information:
More on the PPEO 2017 and the summary document.