Gender-based Violence and Environment Linkages: Key Issues and Strategies for Change

Time: Thursday, 4 June 2020, 09:00 – 10:30 AM EDT
Access webinar recording and materials here


Join IUCN, USAID, and other partners for the first in a series of webinars and presenting AGENT research and key findings on linkages related to:

  • Access and control of land and natural resources (e.g., fisheries, agriculture, water and energy)
  • Environmental pressures and threats (e.g., disasters, climate change, environmental crimes)
  • Crucial strategies for safeguards and other interventions

And introducing the grantees of RISE, USAID’s global challenge to address these linkages.

Gender-based violence (GBV) is pervasive across sectors, countries, and communities. Both a symptom of gender inequality and a means for keeping it intact, GBV impedes progress toward gender equality and acts as a barrier to meeting conservation and sustainable development goals.

Viewed nearly 10,000 times in its first three months online and covered by more than 60 media articles so far, Gender-based Violence and Environment Linkages: The Violence of Inequality (IUCN, 2020) brought together evidence and analysis from across environment-related sectors and contexts to better understand GBV in relation to natural resource access and control and environmental degradation and stressors. A webinar series will present and discuss key findings, across issues and sectors, toward improved coordinated strategies and results.

You can learn more about AGENT here.
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