
Mini-grids and Productive Use: Implications for Gender and Social Inclusion

Date and Time: Tuesday, October 6th, 2020 | 16h00 EAT | 15h00 CET | 09h00 EDT
Location: Online
To join the meeting, please follow this link. (CLOSED). The recording is now available here.

Join Power for All and Energypedia in this live webinar discussion with mini-grids developers, gender specialist, and a data expert as they talk about the opportunities for synergy between the goals of rural electrification with solar mini-grids, women empowerment, and agricultural transformation in Africa.

Please submit questions prior to the session. Power for all and Energypedia will also take questions during the live event, but submitting them in advance will help them determine the focus topics.


For more information take a look at the webinar concept note.