Impact Area

Photo credit: Adam Schultz, Schultz Media; Context: SEE4ALL Forum, Brooklyn, 2017.

Advocating for gender equality

At ENERGIA, we work to foster gender equality in the energy sector and ensure women’s voices are heard in policy discussions and intergovernmental negotiations.

Women make up more than half of the adult population, and they must have an equal voice in global, national and local policy making. Through our advocacy work, we help to educate and motivate decision-makers and institutions to achieve positive changes and goals within political, economic, and social systems. For ENERGIA, this means promoting gender equality in the energy sector to ensure universal energy access and to end inequalities.

Our advocacy goals and objectives

  • Ensure women have the right to lead, participate in and benefit from the energy transition and climate justice.
  • Develop and adopt gender-aware policies to translate into concrete programs and projects.
  • Address the lack of recognition of differences between men’s and women’s energy needs in current energy policies.

ENERGIA’s advocacy activities

  • Participating in high-level platforms: Ensuring a gender focus in international discussions, as a member of the UN Sustainable Energy for ALL (SEforALL) Advisory Board and as co-chair of the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 Technical Advisory Group, among others.
  • Influencing global energy policy platforms: applying our own extensive experience, supported by evidence, policy briefs and case studies.
  • Presenting at international forums, hosting debates and discussions on clean energy and women’s empowerment and on gender and energy.
  • Running global and national campaigns to raise awareness about gender perspectives in energy access.
  • Conducting targeted lobbying with international institutions.

Find out in this interview with our Director, Sheila Oparaocha, why and how ENERGIA advocates for gender inclusion in the energy sector, or read more here.

Our Impact Areas