
A Guide on Gender Mainstreaming in the Africa Biogas Partnership Programme (ABPP)

This Gender Mainstreaming (GM) Guide has been developed by ENERGIA, the International network on Gender and Sustainable Energy, as preparation for the Workshop on Gender Mainstreaming in ABPP, to be held in Nairobi on 18-19th May, 2010.The draft was discussed at the workshop, and additional inputs incorporated in the final version. The Gender Mainstreaming Guide has been developed by Soma Dutta, May Sengendo and Indira Shakya, with contributions from Sheila Oparaocha and Anja Panjwani. The team acknowledges the inputs and suggestions from Els Rijke, Socio-Economic & Gender expert, Africa Biogas Partnership Programme, and from colleagues from ABPP country programmes.

The Africa Biogas Partnership Programme (ABPP) is a six country initiative for supporting the construction of some 70, 500 biodigesters over a period of 5 years. The programme is funded by DGIS (Netherlands Directorate-General of Development Cooperation), managed
by Hivos and Technical Assistance is provided by SNV. In each country, implementation by multi stakeholders is coordinated by a National Implementing Agency.