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  • The Asian Development Bank (ADB), the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the Korea Energy Agency (KEA) are pleased to announce that the Asia Clean Energy Forum 2017 will be held in Manila during the week of 5-9 June 2017. Those who are interested in presenting their work and ideas at ACEF should respond […]

  • A recording of today’s GECCO webinar on political economy as a tool for addressing gender in the energy sector and the associated presentations are now available online: This webinar recording, Political economy: A tool for addressing gender in the energy sector, is part of the GECCO Energy Webinar Series. More information about the webinar’s content can be […]

  • Terms of Reference Short Term Consultant – Gender and Energy Expert Efficient, Clean Cooking and Heating Background Worldwide, three billion people rely on solid fuels, such as wood or coal, for cooking and heating, which results in severe health, environmental and climate impacts. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), household air pollution from cooking […]

  • Katherine Lucey, Founder and CEO of Solar Sister, spent more than 20 years as an investment banker focused in the energy sector. After taking time off banking to be with her family of five children, she began searching for ways to return to energy that were more personally fulfilling and socially impactful. After a trip […]

  • ACCESS calls for prioritisation of energy access in delivering the Paris Agreement. Support is needed for research, the strengthening of national enabling environments and inclusive national energy planning. Marrakech, November 8, 2016 – A year on from the Paris Agreement and the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), are we moving down the right track […]

  • The Competition Technological innovations for providing energy to off-grid communities have started to change the energy access landscape across the world, especially in West Africa. Access to affordable new forms of energy opens doors to a whole range of new social enterprises, where the business delivers a positive social impact for the end user. This competition seeks […]

  • A webinar organized by  IUCN’s GECCO initiative and ENERGIA While efforts at integrating gender considerations into climate change mitigation and the renewable energy sector have progressed over the years, most of this progress has taken place in small-scale, community-based projects. Though these initiatives demonstrate ways in which engaging women improves the success of energy access and […]

  •   Thursday, November 10, 2016| 12:00 – 1:30 PM | Room I 10-420 Sponsored by: ESMAP, the Efficient Clean Cooking and Heating Program (ECCH), and the Gender CCSA Violence against women and girls is a global epidemic. The World Health Organization estimates that 1 in 3 (35%) of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or […]

  • Please join USAID and Winrock International on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 for a full day event on: Enhancing Capacity of Women Micro-entrepreneurs to Sell Clean Energy Products  Women play a critical role in the base of the pyramid (BoP) energy value chain because of their central responsibility for managing household energy. As primary users of household energy, […]

  • WoMin is a women-led regional alliance fighting destructive natural resource extraction and proposing a just development agenda for African women. WoMin is pleased to officially launch Women Building Power. Women Building Power is a cutting-edge and developing collection of research, information materials, and tools. It forms the knowledge hub of an emerging African women-led grassroots driven […]

  • The UN Women Empower Women is an online platform on Women’s Economic Empowerment. Its Call for Applications to become an Empower Women Champion for change is now open, until November 18. Apply to become an Empower Women Champion for Change 2016-2017. If you want to know more about what it entails, Empower Women alumni tell you […]

  • The Alliance of Civil Society Organisations for Clean Energy Access (ACCESS) officially launched its website and newsletter.  ENERGIA is proud member of this alliance, that aims to strengthen the visibility and presence of CSOs working to deliver universal energy access, particularly within Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll), Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) implementation and other global […]