Skip to: Rural Senegalese Women Spearhead Sustainable Energy Management in Kaffrine

Energia website

  • Charcoal production, a predominantly male activity, is being reformed in Senegal’s Kaffrine region to reduce the negative impacts on the environment and include women on all levels of the value chain. Empowered by the Second Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management Project (PROGEDE II), which is funded by the World Bank and the Nordic Development Fund […]

  • A single mother of three, Margaret Kariuki used to sell milk to earn a living in Lanet Umoja in Nakuru county of Kenya. Now she runs a successful briquette business, thanks to training and mentorship from Practical Action. Practical Action Eastern Africa, in partnership with Sustainable Community Development Services (SCODE) is implementing the Women in Energy […]

  • Solar Sister was founded on the idea that women have the potential to bring light, hope and opportunity to their communities. The organization provides technical, business, sales and marketing training to women in Africa. The training helps the women start small businesses, which sell sustainable energy products to their communities. Additionally, their network of entrepreneurs and […]

  • A Solar Business, a Woman’s Enterprise Alice is a Solar Sister Entrepreneur from Uganda. So far, with the profits from her solar business, she has bought a pig for her farm. Her next investment will be a goat, and then she plans to buy a cow at the end of 4 months. Each one of […]

  • The SE4ALL Forum  in New York City this week has been full of inspiring and enlightening conversation. From motivating speeches to policy discussions, those gathered have been focused on developing methods for delivering more sustainable energy to a greater number of people around the world. Among those gathered who are already hard at work on […]

  • An increasing number of businesswomen are joining their male counterparts in developing new energy markets in rural Senegal and providing much needed energy products and services to remote communities. In a bid to support women’s entrepreneurial spirit and encourage their economic empowerment, GVEP and SEM Fund are working with women in Tambacounda and Kédougou to […]

  • Meeting women’s needs is often taken for granted in household energy and improved stoves programmes which are usually technical interventions, rather than socioeconomic ones. Gender perspectives in biomass energy conservation have seldom been examined closely. The objective of this case study was to demonstrate how gender aspects can be successfully integrated at different levels in […]
