country: Africa
Gender and Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform: Current Status of Research
This research project aims to investigate the impacts from fossil fuel subsidy reform on poor women in Bangladesh, India and Nigeria. This initial scoping report finds no primary, quantitative research on the question of the gender-differentiated impact of fossil fuel subsidy reforms. However, there is a large body of literature linked to energy access and…
Gender and Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform: Implications for India, Bangladesh and Nigeria
This paper reviews the available literature on the impacts of fossil fuel subsidies on women and gender empowerment. It is an input to a four-year research program on the issue coordinated by the Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI) of IISD. The review, undertaken in 2015, attempts to assess the impacts of fossil fuel subsidies on women…
Productive uses of energy: The informal food sector in South Africa, Rwanda and Senegal
This report represents the Scoping Phase (Phase 1) of Research Area 2 – Productive uses of Energy – of ENERGIA’s Gender and Energy Research Programme. This Research Area applies a gender perspective to explore: (i) the energy sources used by micro and small enterprises in the informal food sector; (ii) the changes that may be…
Partnerships to scale up energy delivery
ENERGIA’s Women’s Economic Empowerment Programme works with partners in seven countries to strengthen and empower micro and small scale women entrepreneurs who deliver clean and renewable technologies. An early lesson has been that if the delivery of technologies really is to be scaled up, partnerships and agreements with other parties such as community groups, government institutions,…
Energy giant TOTAL and women entrepreneurs join forces
In Senegal, the average electricity access is 57 percent, in rural areas it is 27. In the regions of Tambacounda and Kedougou, Eastern Senegal, where ENERGIA is working with local partner GVEP, the percentages of access are as low as nine and four. Delivery of off-grid solar products is therefore critical to improving the livelihoods…
Exploring Factors that Enhance and restrict Women’s Empowerment through Electrification (EFEWEE) – Scoping study report
The overall objective of this independent research project is to examine how policy and practice may enhance women’s empowerment though electrification in rural areas in the South. We consider women’s empowerment as a process towards gender equality, hence a concept that requires analytic attention to women, men, girls and boys. We divide the work into…
ENERGIA celebrates International Women’s Day all year round
For ENERGIA, every day is International Women’s Day! Together with eight partner organizations, we support over 3,000 women in seven countries in Africa and Asia, to become empowered entrepreneurs. One of these women is Mrs. Kandé, who owns a dairy production business in Kolda, South Senegal. Mrs. Kandé started her dairy production in 2002. Despite…
Rural Senegalese Women Spearhead Sustainable Energy Management in Kaffrine
Charcoal production, a predominantly male activity, is being reformed in Senegal’s Kaffrine region to reduce the negative impacts on the environment and include women on all levels of the value chain. Empowered by the Second Sustainable and Participatory Energy Management Project (PROGEDE II), which is funded by the World Bank and the Nordic Development Fund…
Practical Action: Women in Energy Enterprises in Kenya
A single mother of three, Margaret Kariuki used to sell milk to earn a living in Lanet Umoja in Nakuru county of Kenya. Now she runs a successful briquette business, thanks to training and mentorship from Practical Action. Practical Action Eastern Africa, in partnership with Sustainable Community Development Services (SCODE) is implementing the Women in Energy…
Solar Sister brings light, hope and opportunity
Solar Sister was founded on the idea that women have the potential to bring light, hope and opportunity to their communities. The organization provides technical, business, sales and marketing training to women in Africa. The training helps the women start small businesses, which sell sustainable energy products to their communities. Additionally, their network of entrepreneurs and…
What role do women play in the energy sector in Senegal?
Samenvatting Video Watch Mrs. Ndeye Bineta Sarr and Mrs. Tida Mballo who has been able to double production thanks to the use of solar energy.
A Light, a Pig, and a Dream
A Solar Business, a Woman’s Enterprise Alice is a Solar Sister Entrepreneur from Uganda. So far, with the profits from her solar business, she has bought a pig for her farm. Her next investment will be a goat, and then she plans to buy a cow at the end of 4 months. Each one of…