country: Asia
Small steps, big differences: An entrepreneur in the making
Through participating in an ADB-supported RSPN – ENERGIA training programme on the use of electricity for production, product improvement and skills enhancement, bamboo crafter Ugyen Choden (second from left) has more than doubled her income. Ugyen Choden is a 27-year-old single mother of two who lives in the village of Bjoka Trong in Lower…
Regional gender review of energy policies and programmes, South Asia
As part of the ADB funded project Improving Gender-Inclusive Access to Clean and Renewable Energy project, ENERGIA conducted a gender review of energy policies and programmes in Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, as well as a region-wide review. The reviews show that in recent years, gains have been made in the region, especially in terms of electrification. The…
Gender review of energy policies and programmes, Sri Lanka
As part of the ADB funded project Improving Gender-Inclusive Access to Clean and Renewable Energy project, ENERGIA conducted a gender review of energy policies and programmes in Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, as well as a region-wide review. The reviews show that in recent years, gains have been made in the region, especially in terms of electrification. The…
Gender review of energy policies and programmes, Nepal
As part of the ADB funded project Improving Gender-Inclusive Access to Clean and Renewable Energy project, ENERGIA conducted a gender review of energy policies and programmes in Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, as well as a region-wide review. The reviews show that in recent years, gains have been made in the region, especially in terms of electrification. The…
Gender review of energy policies and programmes, Bhutan
As part of the ADB funded project Improving Gender-Inclusive Access to Clean and Renewable Energy project, ENERGIA conducted a gender review of energy policies and programmes in Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka, as well as a region-wide review. The reviews show that in recent years, gains have been made in the region, especially in terms of electrification. The…
Practical Action: Women in Energy Enterprises in Kenya
A single mother of three, Margaret Kariuki used to sell milk to earn a living in Lanet Umoja in Nakuru county of Kenya. Now she runs a successful briquette business, thanks to training and mentorship from Practical Action. Practical Action Eastern Africa, in partnership with Sustainable Community Development Services (SCODE) is implementing the Women in Energy…
Making a difference by producing charcoal briquettes
The SE4ALL Forum in New York City this week has been full of inspiring and enlightening conversation. From motivating speeches to policy discussions, those gathered have been focused on developing methods for delivering more sustainable energy to a greater number of people around the world. Among those gathered who are already hard at work on…
Mainstreaming Gender in Energy
This presentation starts out by explaining why gender is so important in the context of energy. It then continues to ask what a meaningful participation of women in energy initiatives means and what the constraints are in achieving this meaningful participation. It concludes by exploring the possible roles for ENERGIA to play in this field…