Skip to: Towards Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Energy Utilities: Approaches, Methods, and Results from Nepal

Energia website

  • One of the key constraints in improving energy access in the renewable energy sector is the availability and affordability of financing. For women-owned or -led micro, small, or medium enterprises (WMSMEs) that are either selling or distributing renewable energy products themselves, or interested in purchasing renewable energy products to expand or grow their businesses, there […]

  • As ENERGIA enters its seventh phase (2022-2026), this document presents ENERGIA’s Strategy for 2022–2026. This document, ENERGIA’s 2022-26 strategy, elaborates our vision for Phase 7 and serves as the fundamental guide for designing and implementing our strategies can activities. In Phase 7, ENERGIA will work towards ensuring that “women have an equal opportunity to lead, […]

  • The ongoing global energy transition towards a low carbon and sustainable future has the potential to bring far-reaching and systematic changes to our societies. This transition offers several opportunities for greater social justice and gender equality and is likely to create pathways to improve women’s quality of life. While making inroads into entrenched social structures, […]

  • In the wider West African region, Ghana is often seen as an energy success story with over 80% of the population having access to grid electricity. Yet, 50% of rural areas live without this access while ‘dumsor’ (load shedding) poses an ongoing challenge for those connected. In terms of gender equity, national energy policy recognises […]

  • The connection between equity in energy access and developmental aspects like poverty reduction, health and wellbeing is today well understood. Responding to this, energy access policies and programmes in India have tried to address gender equity within energy access, but much of this effort has failed to create a transformational impact. Until 2018, 680 million […]

  • Understanding the gender dimensions of energy access is essential. Women play important roles in energy system development and their empowerment is crucial in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Indeed, many household tasks (e.g., cooking, water collection, and other domestic chores) are mostly performed by women. Equitable access to energy can reduce the burden […]

  • Transition to clean cooking is necessary for protecting the health and lives of the 2.7 billion people who suffer from the health and environmental impacts of existing cooking practices. As cooking is typically a task that women engage in, understanding the barriers to and opportunities of a transition to electric cooking from a woman’s perspective […]
