
RBF Projects that Leave No One Behind: A Practical Guide for Designing Inclusive Results-Based Financing (RBF) Projects

To achieve Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7) by 2030, prioritising the principle of Leave No One Behind (LNOB) is imperative to achieve universal energy access. A broad coalition, including UN member states, donors, and implementing agencies has pledged to integrate the LNOB principle within their interventions, recognising it as fundamental for fostering sustainable progress toward SDG 7 (UN CEB, 2017). The LNOB commitment strives not only to reach the poorest of the poor, but also to combat discrimination and inequalities. Furthermore, the Agenda endeavours to “reach the furthest behind first” (UN General Assembly, 2015).

This guide provides insights on planning and implementing RBF projects that consider various LNOB aspects, including gender. Organised around different phases of RBF planning and implementation, each
section explores strategies for strengthening LNOB considerations. Practical examples of successful LNOB-oriented RBF approaches from EnDev country projects are also included.