Focal area: Gender mainstreaming
Creating Conditions for Gender Equity in Rural Electrification Projects: Experiences from the Nicaraguan Electrification Project (PELNICA)
“Creating Conditions for Gender Equity in Rural Energy Projects: Experience in the Nicaraguan Electrification Project, PELNICA” highlights the results for gender equality obtained through the PELNICA initiative, and shares some reflections on how this six-year process has been able to influence the design and implementation of other similar projects in Nicaragua, as well as expand…
Experience in Gender Inclusion in the Implementation of the Batzchocolá Community Micro Hydroelectric Plant in Nebaj, Quiché, Guatemala
“Experience in Gender Inclusion in the Implementation of the Batzchocolá Community Micro Hydroelectric Plant in Nebaj, Quiché, Guatemala” highlights the results in terms of gender equality obtained by Semilla de Sol and the Hydroelectric Association for the Integral Development of Northern Quiche (ASHDINQUI), a non-profit social and community venture that began with the construction of…
Integrating Gender Considerations into Energy Operations
In the energy sector, the gender dimensions of access to services, access to benefits, and exposure to risks and benefits, are being increasingly recognized as important elements to be considered for effective policy making and project design. In practice, this translates into integrating a gender perspective throughout the operational cycle to improve gender equity in…
Healthy Stoves in Rural and Urban Homes and Family Businesses in Nicaragua: Asociación Fénix Programme for Improved Stoves
“Healthy stoves in rural homes and family businesses in Nicaragua” shows the results in terms of gender equality obtained by Asociación Fénix, a Nicaraguan non-governmental and non-profit organisation established in 2001 that works to promote renewable energy sources and responsible use of natural resources to reduce climate change. This study describes the process of a…
Sustainable Energy for All Status Report: Tracking Progress in Asia and the Pacific
This report reviews the early work of the AP-SE4All, and the conditions of the developing Asia and Pacific countries it is working with. It charts preliminary progress, and assesses the policy environment which the work to achieve the SE4All targets will operate within. Uniquely, this report highlights the nexus of issues involving women, children, and…
ECOWAS policy for gender mainstreaming in energy access
Countries of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), represented by the Ministries of Energy, validated on 4-5 June 2015 in Dakar, Senegal, the regional Policy to mainstream gender in all energy programmes, projects and initiatives implemented in the Member States, including large scale energy infrastructure projects and investments. Described as “revolutionary” by the…
Measuring Women’s Economic Empowerment
Design challenges are common to most program evaluations, but this is especially true for programs that measure women’s economic empowerment. This is because of the interdependence between women’s economic and social roles, which influences their business choices and returns to those businesses. For example, because women have significant family responsibilities, they may have different goals…
Boiling Point Issue 66: Women, Energy and Economic Empowerment
The Benefits of Gender Balance in Climate Change Mitigation Investments and Sustainable Energy Initiatives
Cleaner fuels, improved efficiency and adoption of renewable energy technologies offer important possibilities for low-carbon economic development and reductions in overall greenhouse gas emissions. These possibilities are especially important for women in developing countries who currently play critical roles in supplying and managing traditional biomass fuels. The UN’s Sustainable Energy for All initiative is highlighting…
A gender approach to the promotion of productive uses of electricity
Briefing Paper 3 – Needs, wants and values: Integrating gender with energy access
For Clean Cooking Energy in Rural India: Women’s Empowerment and LPG as Prestige Good