Focal area: Women’s entrepreneurship
Interview with Soma Dutta: “Women can play a central role in expanding energy access at the last mile”
At the upcoming Asia Clean Energy Forum (ACEF), ENERGIA will play a more active role than ever before. More on this, and on some central issues that will be discussed at ACEF, in a conversation with Soma Dutta, the Program Coordinator of Women Economic Empowerment Program. Why and in what way is ENERGIA taking part…
Fostering women’s entrepreneurship in ASEAN
In its recent publication “Fostering Women’s Entrepreneurship in ASEAN: Transforming Prospects, Transforming Societies” the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) proposes critical actions that can be taken by ASEAN Governments to address the particular constraints facing women entrepreneurs. Those actions are foreseen to be taken in conjunction with other…
Tackling the ‘last mile’ energy access challenge through women’s economic empowerment
Access to energy is critical for women’s economic empowerment: not only can it free up time for other economic activities, but it also offers opportunities to engage into new roles and gain control over economic decisions. Energy 4 Impact’s Alessandra Moscadelli wrote a blogpost entry for Oxfam’s Women’s Economic Empowerment in Agriculture Knowledge Hub. …
SEAR Special Feature – Energy access and gender: Getting the right balance.
Women can be true change makers in the scaling up of energy access
Pursuing the goal of universal access to modern energy services by 2030 – while 1.1 billion people still live without energy access, and more than 2.7 billion without clean cooking facilities – requires concerted international effort and a break from business-as-usual. That is precisely what ENERGIA has been doing: building and taking part in international…
Vlogging about selling clean energy products in East Flores
Trisa Triandesa was one of the three selected volunteers in Koperkink’s #IDWomen4Energy programme. He lived for a month with one of Kopernik’s Wonder Women, to help her in her businesses, collecting merchandise and selling it. The enthusiastic actor and media consultant vlogged about his experience. Click below to follow Trisa on his adventure!
Agency building as part of integral support to women entrepreneurs
Support micro- and small scale women entrepreneurs to become successful business owners is much more than providing them with technical skills. Agency building is at least as important. But what is agency? How do you build, develop or strengthen it? Why is it so important? Unequal relations and standards Merriam-Webster defines agency as ‘a person…
Gender and Fossil Fuel Subsidy Reform: Current Status of Research
This research project aims to investigate the impacts from fossil fuel subsidy reform on poor women in Bangladesh, India and Nigeria. This initial scoping report finds no primary, quantitative research on the question of the gender-differentiated impact of fossil fuel subsidy reforms. However, there is a large body of literature linked to energy access and…
Leave No One Behind
The purpose of this report and briefing is to address issues and find solutions that will eliminate legal barriers to women’s economic empowerment, reduce gender pay gaps, ensure financial and digital inclusion, and foster female entrepreneurship.
Productive uses of energy: The informal food sector in South Africa, Rwanda and Senegal
This report represents the Scoping Phase (Phase 1) of Research Area 2 – Productive uses of Energy – of ENERGIA’s Gender and Energy Research Programme. This Research Area applies a gender perspective to explore: (i) the energy sources used by micro and small enterprises in the informal food sector; (ii) the changes that may be…
New business opportunities through solar off-grid refrigeration
Women entrepreneurs are now benefitting from increased access to solar energy to power their businesses in off-grid Senegal. Energy 4 Impact and Bonergie, a Senegalese solar equipment manufacturer, have teamed up to make solar fridges available to women-led businesses in the region of Tambacounda, south-east Senegal. The four businesses own convenience stores selling day to day…
Energy Access through women-led businesses